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Refund & cancellation policy

Onsite courses and programs

Al Minbar Institute must refund all monies paid if the applicant is not accepted. This includes instances where a starting class is cancelled by the institute for any reason.
The institute must refund all monies paid if the applicant cancels fifteen business days (excluding Sundays and holidays) prior the starting date of the courses/program, fifty percent of monies paid if the applicant cancels ten business days (excluding Sundays and holidays) prior the starting date of the courses/program, and twenty-five percent of monies paid if the applicant cancels five business days (excluding Sundays and holidays) prior the starting date of the courses/program, after that date no refund is possible.
The institute does not refund the courses that student has taken or could not attend (except for visa refusal purposes).
When calculating refunds, the official date of a student’s termination is the Friday following the last day of recorded attendance: When the institute receives notice of the student’s intention to discontinue the courses/program; or, When the student is terminated for a violation of a published institute policy which provides for termination. All refunds must be paid within thirty calendar days of the student’s official termination date.
If the student cancels the registration within the first week of the courses, the institute may retain an established fee equal to twenty five percent of the total remaining tuition cost. After the first week the institute may retain an established fee equal to fifty percent of the total remaining tuition cost.
If the student cannot continue any given course, the institute converts all monies paid to credit valid for an established period of 18 months after the starting date. The credits are transmissible.


Al Minbar Institute must refund all monies paid if the applicant is not accepted in any of the institute’s three types of accommodation. This includes school residence, host families or studio apartments.
For school residence and host families: The institute must refund all monies paid if the applicant cancels ten business days (excluding Sundays and holidays) prior the starting date of the staying, seventy percent of monies paid if the applicant cancels five business days (excluding Sundays and holidays) prior the starting date of the staying, fifty percent of monies paid if the applicant cancels three business days (excluding Sundays and holidays) prior the starting date of the staying, after that date no refund is possible.
For studio apartments: for this type of accommodation no refund is possible.


Al Minbar Institute must refund all monies paid if the applicant is not accepted. This includes instances where a trip is cancelled by the institute for any reason.
The institute must refund all monies paid if the applicant cancels ten business days (excluding Sundays and holidays) prior the trip’s date, fifty percent of monies paid if the applicant cancels seven business days (excluding Sundays and holidays) prior the trip’s date, and twenty-five percent of monies paid if the applicant cancels five business days (excluding Sundays and holidays) prior the trip’s date, after that date no refund is possible.